My Personal Goals For 2019

Lots of people approach each new year with hopes and dreams and anticipation, and many channel all that energy into resolutions for the year to come.  In all honesty, I have never been that kind of person.  Oh, I would feel the hopes and dreams well up, the anxiety and anticipation would fill my head and heart with excitement and concern for the coming year like everyone else.  I have just never committed.  I have never set goals….out of fear.  I have always struggled with a fear of failure.  Somehow, in my own weird way, I allowed myself, for a very long time, to believe that if I set goals, if I committed to try to do something better, something different, that somehow I was setting myself up to experience failure.  I am finding that goals….intentions….they are not the same as expectations.  Expectations definitely set us up for failure….we expect something to happen, and if it does happen we expect to feel satisfaction (which we may or may not actually feel).  If what we expect doesn’t happen, we experience a sense of failure and frustration.  Goals, though, and intentions, are an honest expression of hope and potential.  We have endless potential.  There is always a reason to hope.  So, against all odds….with this coming new year, I allow myself to hope.  I am new at this….so please honor me with the freedom to do this imperfectly (as I do all things).  This year….I was encouraged by some wise individuals to set my goals low….make them very easily accomplished and set myself up to experience success and joy and not a sense of failure.  I began with this notion, and decided to expand a bit.  I have created three levels of goals and intentions:  easy ones, more difficult ones, and finally most difficult ones for the year.  Ultimately, I seek as much growth as God will allow, and so any and all potential realized and any and all hopes fulfilled will encourage me.  With all this said, here are my 2019 goals:

Minimum:  Success!

  1. Hug my family daily and tell them that I love them daily.
  2. Be happier and healthier.
  3. Grow.
  4. Awaken.
  5. Hope.
  6. Love.
  7. Trust God.

Medium:  Over-achiever!

  1. Exercise some.
  2. Eat a little healthier.
  3. Lose a little weight.
  4. Get my Blog started/launched.
  5. Whispers of Eternity writes a song.
  6. Decrease alcohol.
  7. Be present for my family.
  8. Pay off some debt.
  9. Work on a space in my home.
  10. Meet with God more.

Maximum:  Superwoman!

  1. Exercise regularly and consistently.
  2. Eat mostly clean.
  3. Lose weight and feel great in my skin.
  4. Help my family finances through my Blog.
  5. Whispers of Eternity grows and records and performs.
  6. Only drink alcohol on Fridays, holidays, and special occasions.
  7. Love my family well.
  8. Get out of debt.
  9. Update/remodel 1-2 spaces in my home.
  10. Meet with God daily.

With these resolutions I set my intention for the coming year.  I am alive.  I am loved.  I am not alone.  I hope.  I have potential.  I am excited to experience and be present in the moments that are coming.  Thank You, Father God, for all You have blessed me with and all You have planned for me.  I trust You with my life and my future.  I pray to You in Jesus’ name.
